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Wow this was really cool. I had a lot of fun with it. Got major Blood vibes from it. The game crashed when I was killing spiders. I guessed it was pretty near the end, but what I was able to play I enjoyed.

Hey eyeballzilla. Thank you for playing! Blood was definitely a heavy inspiration for this game! 

Sorry you ran into a bug that crashed the game, I'd be interested to hear if any error messages popped up? 

Very good! I Love it! Managed to beat it too! If you want to see, then you can click the pic and watch the video!Click here to head to my youtube channel and watch!

Click on this picture, it's a link to the video on youtube! ^

 Amazing game really love the 2.5D feel to it. I made something similar for Brackeys Game Jam called Hell Gates. We even have the scroll wheel for changing guns which is awesome. 


Hey Asim,

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

Hells Gates looks awesome!  I love those old-school shooters!

Pretty cool little game. I got kinda far but couldn't find the spider fang. Do you have to kill it with the bomb to get the fang or did I just not find the right spider? Pretty fun still.


Hey masterkeef42o,

Thanks so much for giving my game a try. I really enjoyed watching your playthrough. 

It looks like you kept getting turned around in the forest, it was quite funny to watch actually! There's another area in the forest that triggers the spider needed to get the fang.

I had initially planned for a mini-map, to make navigation a bit easier but I didn't have time to get it into the game jam build. 

Thank you so much for playing though. I really appreciate it! 

Yeah i was pretty lost haha. My original recording was about 45min so i wandered around a lot more than what the video shows. Kept finding that same spot haha. The screen i was playing on is kinda too big so the pixels started playing tricks on my eyes after a while. Pretty fun though, i dig it.